Vennard Gilmore Scholarship Recipients

2024 Scholarship Recipients

Andara Buchanan
Capella University
Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
with a specialization in Child & Adolescent Counseling

I am graduating this April with my bachelor’s degree and am excited to jump right into my master’s degree in May. There are a still a lot of unknowns for next year. I am grateful that God is my forever constant and that He never changes or leaves. I also know that God will be with me and that He is my rock. I will lean on Him, and everything will be okay. It will be an exciting and new chapter for me to experience with Him by my side

Camden Chellis
Bethel University
Business Management

At Bethel University I am currently serving as a worship leader for our Wednesday evening vespers service. From these experiences I have learned the importance of humility and lifting my gifts up to the Lord and doing everything in His name. Taking part in worship has led my faith and trust to grow exponentially and I am excited to see this opportunity grow in the future as I continue to explore my faith journey!

Emmerson Chellis
Asbury University
Political Sciences

In the future, especially as I prepare to enter my first year of college, I see myself participating in bible studies, youth groups, and theological classes. I’m incredibly eager to continue sharing the gospel and growing my faith with a community of other young men and women in Christ!

Cody Gentry
Barclay College
Youth Ministry

I see myself really involved in ministry in the future because I will not only be the youth pastor, but I would probably also plan events to reach out to other communities. My goal as a future pastor is not just to teach the youth in my future church, but to also teach youth outside of the church's community. I want to reach out to other communities, helping youth understand more about who God is and why we should follow Him.

William Hancock
Asbury University
Computer Science - Engineering Mathematics

While in school, I'm hoping to learn more about Christianity and effective ways to not only spread the gospel, but instill disciples who are able to grow in their faith once I'm gone. Jesus calls us to go and make disciples, not just believers. I plan to be very active in my church and I hope that my education at Asbury strengthens my ability to do so.

Evie Johnson
Greenville University
Social Work and Spanish

While I am not specifically going into ministry, I hope that as a social worker I can show love, care, and support to people who need help.

Jewell Myers
Indiana Wesleyan University
Bachelor in Exercise Science, Masters in Athletic Training

Looking ahead, I envision myself eventually transitioning into full-time missionary work. As I pursue a career in athletic training, I continually seek guidance from God on how to integrate my profession with my passion for global service. It's a journey I'm navigating with prayer and faith, trusting that God will provide clarity and direction for my future endeavors

Levi Nicholls
Grace College and Seminary
Mechanical Engineering

My goal for the future is to finish my major in becoming a mechanical engineer and move on to work diligently in a full-time job. While this may not be a ministry in of itself, I have made it my goal to help out the church as often as I can, whether it would be helping a church member move to a new house or simply serving as an offering taker in the church. In conclusion, no matter the outcome of my future welfare, I will always attempt to find opportunities to serve the people around me.

Nathanael Nicholls
Liberty University
Biomedicl Sciences

As a prospective future physician, I hope to complete my undergraduate and medical school education and use all of the resources the Lord has given me to serve him. By sharing the gospel with coworkers and patients in the healthcare field, growing in my knowledge of God and his word through personal study, and discipling other believers in my local church, I hope to use the knowledge, training, and experiences I acquire throughout my life to further God's glory. I hope to use my future role as a healthcare professional to not only care for people's physical health but also their spiritual health by sharing the truth of God's word.

Sarah Penick
Friends University

My goal as of right now is to earn a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy and work in the clinical setting. If I do become a therapist, I will be able to show God's love and compassion to my clients, ministering to them in Jesus' Name and guiding them to the healing he desires for us. If I don't become a therapist, I can still use everything I am learning through my psychology degree to help point my friends and others I meet towards healthier mindsets, even as I do today.

Jaylin Playle
University of West Florida
Marine Biology

I recently got accepted into the University of West Florida where I will pursue a bachelor's degree in Marine Biology. I plan to get connected with a church down there and continue to volunteer where I can use my talents for the better. I know it is going to be a challenge with it being a whole new place and new people but I am not afraid for I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Morgan Powers
William Penn University
Elementary Education

I am going to go to school to become a teacher. I can show the staff and the students the love of Jesus through my words and actions. I also would like to be involved in a church worship group once I have a family and we settle down and find our church. I would also like to do Sunday school with the younger kids of my church.

Anna Tooley
Greenville University
Through my history major, I’ve started to develop a further understanding of why the church and various cultures exist in the manner it does now. By knowing the history of a group, one can further understand their traditions and practices. Through this, I can understand my own past along with others, helping me to find a connection point to those who are different from me. The compassion built through an understanding of history helps in understanding how to better help each people group. If one knows the past, they know how to avoid the same mistakes in the future.

Kassidy Westercamp
Bellevue University
Elementary Education

I know that God has called me to work with children and that is why I want to be a teacher. During my time in practicums, I chose to go to a Christian school and fell in love with the idea of being able to talk about God every day with my students. I also got to spend some time in a public school with students who had hard home lives and my heart hurts for them. Whether God calls me to be a light in the public schools or Christian schools, I will show Jesus through myself to my future students. I also want to stay involved in missions trips because I feel that my gift of teaching children is needed around the world too. I don't know what God's plan is for me in the future but I do know that I plan to seek Him.

2023 Scholarship Recipients

Andara Buchanan
Grand Canyon University
Secondary English

I am thankful for all the blessings God has given me. I am excited to continue to grow and learn from Him in the year to come. Next year I am going to graduate, and I know it will come with a lot of unexpectedness and things that could potential be scary for me. I also know that God will be with me and that He is my rock. I will lean on Him, and everything will be okay. It will be an exciting and new chapter for me to experience with Him by my side.

Zoey Conner
East Texas Baptist University

My education is doing an excellent job preparing me for a future in ministry. As a science major, I get to learn about the intricacies of God’s creation. It blows my mind when I look at God’s power and perfection in all that he does. My education at ETBU has really opened my eyes to God’s power. In the future I want to be a family medicine doctor and open my own private practice where employees can freely pray for their patients and be reminded that Jesus is the ultimate physician.

Tori Gentry
Barclay College
I would love to iorporate ministry into psychology. I desire to become a counselor. I would like to help counsel people according to the Lord and help come alongside them, showing that God can work in and through them. I also would love to continue to volunteer and get involved in the church, whatever that might look like.

Kimberly Hoch
Palomar College

I hope to become a great Registered Nurse. I could also see my family continuing to foster kids in our community. I hope to use my capacity as a nurse to be able to take care of foster children with medical needs. I also hope to, one day, join newly found friends (in my nursing program) in serving others overseas.

Evie Johnson
Greenville University
Social Work and Spanish

I have learned so much about serving and helping people which has led me to want to pursue social work so I can help those who are finding it hard to find help. I also want to become a human rights/immigration lawyer in the future so I can not only help people in the US but hopefully help people that live in other countries.

James Johnson
Olivet Nazarene University

I have learned that faith requires work. I am at the stage in my spiritual journey that I think I can start leading and helping others with their faith. I love helping the kids understand a message and how they can apply it to their own faith. I try and make the small group as safe as possible for kids to talk about their faiths freely.

Lauren Johnson
Olivet Nazarene University

My education is set at Olivet Nazarene University. They have small groups and ministries on certain days of the week and I can spend everyday with Christian kids. I know some kids there volunteer at local churches to help with youth ministries and I would like to as well.

Levi Nicholls
Cedarville University
Mechanical Engineering

My view of the future for me would be living in God's Word daily and working in an environment that does not go against my religion. I will be continuing to be involved in the church, whether it is back at my family's church or at a new local church that I would live by. I hope to have a fellowship group for the members in my local church and to encourage them in the faith, and they would encourage me as well. I hope to get a job with a mechanical engineering degree and work with a good attitude.

Nathanael Nicholls
Liberty University

I have a lot of things planned for the future, depending on how the Lord chooses to use me for his kingdom. I want to start off strong in my career field after completing college and, possibly, medical school, and use all of the resources the Lord has given me to serve him. As a churchgoer, work associate, and potential husband and father, as well as in every other aspect of my life, I want to truly live for Christ. By sharing the gospel with coworkers, growing in my knowledge of God and his word through personal study, and discipling other believers in my local church, I hope to use the knowledge, training, and experiences I acquire throughout my life to further God's glory. If the Lord does take me all the way into the medical field, I want to use it to not only care for people's physical health but also for their spiritual health by sharing the truth of God's word. I desire that God might use me to further his kingdom, and I strive to do everything I do in accordance with his will.

2022 Scholarship Recipients

Clayton Gentry
Barclay College
Pasoral Ministry

"Since coming to college, I have gotten the chance to grow not only in my relationship with God, but grow personally. Teachers, family, friends, roommates, have helped me move closer to God in my walk with Him.I feel called to be a pastor, so my studies have prepared me for ministry. What God's plan for the ministry He is preparing me for, I do not know entirely. All I can do is follow after Him and to obey Him."

Kimberly Hoch
DeAnza Community College

"My husband and I have been foster parents for children between the ages of 0-3. Our motivation has been to provide a safe and loving home for some of the most vulnerable people in Santa Clara County. My family has learned how to open our home and our lives to foster children, and by doing so we love and serve our community.  I hope to become a Registered Nurse who works with babies. Also, I could see my family continuing to foster kids in our community. As a nurse, I also hope to be able to expand my ability to take care of foster children with medical needs. Someday I also hope to use my role as a nurse to serve in other countries during mission trips."

Nathan Mast
Purdue University
Mechanical Engineering

"At Purdue, making connections is essential, teaching me how to make and grow relationships and lead them to Christ. Through the university, I'm planning on studying and working abroad in Spain in 2023. With this experience, I hope to use the skills that have been bestowed upon me to build relationships with people there and find a good group to grow as a Christian and lead others to Christ in a missionary fashion. After college, I plan on working as an engineer; leadership responsibilities will follow, so I will live like Christ and be the example my coworkers need."

Benjamin Miller
University of Michigan
Aerospace Engineering

"I believe God has called me to put my whole heart into anything I do, and through that, witness to others. I seek to minister to others in the workforce, in my education at the University of Michigan, and through acts of service, both inside and outside of a church setting. I feel God is calling me to a career in Engineering, designing things that will better the lives of others. While my identity is in Christ and not in my education or career, I seek to use the worldly credibility gained through an education to "put my foot in the door" serving Christ and open opportunities to further the Kingdom in environments outside of the church."

Walker Newman
Mid America University
Youth Ministry

"Last summer I worked at Camp Table Rock and this year I plan to return again as a camp counselor. It is pretty cool how God is allowing me to minister at the very camp that I myself committed my all to Him as a teen. It is awesome to think I can help other teens do the same. Last year I realized after getting over my fears of inadequacy and surrendering that I changed my major from Criminal Justice to Youth Ministry. I am excited to see what God has in store as I seek wherever He leads from MNU into ministry for Him."

Hannah Nicholls
Cedarville University

"I am grateful that Cedarville’s nursing program focuses not only on the physical needs of our patients, but their spiritual needs as well. I have been able to incorporate spiritual care in the clinical setting by simply asking my patients, “Can I pray for you?” While not all of my patients have been receptive, it has been beautiful to see how a small gesture like this can plant a seed that could have an enormous impact. My passion for the gospel has been immensely strengthened here at Cedarville, and my prayer is that this boldness will only continue to grow as I move into the professional field of nursing."

Nathanael Nicholls
Liberty University

"After finishing my college degree and potentially medical school, I hope to have a strong early start in my career field, serving the Lord with all of the resources he has given me. I want to be truly living for Christ in every area of my life - as a sibling, church member, professional colleague, and potential husband and father. I hope to use the knowledge, training, and experiences I gain throughout my life to glorify God in new ways, spreading the gospel to people in my workplace, learning more about God and his word through church and personal study, and discipling other believers in my local church. If the Lord leads me all the way into the medical field, I would want to use my position as a medical professional to not only provide for people’s physical health, but also for their spiritual health through sharing the truth of God’s word."

2021 Scholarship Recipients

Andara Buchanan
Grand Canyon University
Secondary English

I am excited to one day be a light for Jesus in a classroom setting while being a teacher, and to be a great role model for my students. I am so grateful and thankful for how this year has turned out and am excited for what the Lord has in store for me this upcoming fall!

Nathan Mast
Purdue University
Mechanical Engineering

Thank you so much for the scholarship! I appreciate your contributions to my education,
and I look forward to serving Christ at Purdue University this fall. Now that I'm in college, I have
found a group called "Campus House" and I actively learn and share the Word with students who
share the same faith I do. Although my education is secular, the clay I have been molded into is being hardened as I stand for what I believe in and continue to learn about my Creator.

Hannah McGaffey
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Elementary Education

I have always had a love and passion for working with kids, and I am so excited to see how God uses me in my future years as an educator. I volunteered at numerous summer camps, worked in many different schools and have been given multiple opportunities to help in my home church to grow this love for kids that I hold so close to my heart. I think it is so amazing that God uses everyone, with their gifts and talents, to glorify Him in one way or another. I am so excited to see how God uses me, as a teacher, to reach students, other educators, and possibly the students' families.

Walker Newman
Mid America Nazarene University
Criminal Justice

I just want to say thank you to everyone for the scholarship. This means more than you all can know. 
God has blessed me so much this past semester at MNU  and I trust He will continue to guide and have grace on me in the future. Thanks for all the continued prayers as I seek after whatever and wherever God directs.  God has showed me that in my trials nothing is to big for him to reveal himself and use my trials to be a walking testimony of the goodness of God.

Hannah Nicholls
Cedarville University

I am excited to use this scholarship to further my education, and immensely grateful for your generosity and prayers. The education I am receiving is preparing me to be a nurse and a light in the world.I have been able to incorporate spiritual care in the clinical setting by simply asking my patient, “Can I pray for you?” While not all of my patients have been receptive, it has been beautiful to see how a small gesture like this can plant a seed that could have an enormous impact.

Nathanael Nicholls
Liberty University
Pre-Med/Biomedical Sciences

.I am currently considering whether to pursue a profession in the medical field (such as an optometrist or a physician), and with my education and job training I may travel overseas to developing countries to do missions work. As a medical professional, I would be able to share the gospel with unbelievers in a practical and influential way, demonstrating the healing power of Christ through my work as a doctor. Wherever God leads me after college, I pray that he will bless me with the wisdom and ability to serve and glorify him in whatever way I can

Courtney Smith
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Digital Communications

In the past year, my journey with Christ has grown for sure. During this period I started getting a lot closer to Christ and made more time for myself to read my Bible and dig deeper in God’s word. I am a part of a small group that my volleyball coach hosts and I have been learning a lot in that group and more of the deep theological things behind passages in the Bible!

Bailey Zobel
Belmont University
Audio Engineering

This past year I have become much more invested in my journey through volunteering on the worship team and interning at my church. Constantly being surrounded by people of faith has given me a clearer picture of who God is, naturally leading me closer to Him. I value my growing relationship with God, and I feel that attending a Christian university and surrounding myself with like-minded people will allow me to grow further while integrating my passions and education.

2020 Scholarship Recipients

Andara Buchanan
Des Moines Area Community College

" I know that wherever the Lord calls me I will do my best to live my life for Him. I am very excited about my future. I have enjoyed typing out my testimony for this scholarship because it has reminded me of all the beautiful ways God has looked out for me and kept me safe. Thank you so so much!! This means so much to me!! Thank you again!!"

Walker Newman
Mid America Nazarene University
Criminal Justice

" I plan on majoring in Criminal Justice while at Mid America. I know God is calling me into this field because I believe it is important for Christians to allow themselves to be used in whatever field of work and look at it as a mission field to a broken and hurting world. Being in law enforcement I know that will give me a unique opportunity to do that. Thank you so much to all for the scholarship. I am so appreciative for the help as I go where I feel God is leading me. Please keep me in your prayers as work towards whatever God leads."

Zachary Conner
Dallas Baptist University
Secondary Education

"My passion of working with teenagers has lead me to want to become a high school history teacher and coach. Growing up in public school I know the need for Christian teachers who can be there to encourage and inspire. I hope to do these things in the classroom, and because of my education here at DBU, and God's faithfulness, I will!

Clayton Gentry
Barclay College
Pastoral Ministries

" I see my education preparing me for what God has planned for me. I see my education laying a foundation for further study and preparation for God's will."

Tayler Gentry
Barclay College
Elementary Education

"I see my education helping me become the teacher my future students will need me to be. I have been considering adding a minor in Youth Ministry as I feel burdened with Jr. High. I want to be the person that will listen to them and let them know that there are people who care. I want to make an impact on them and I strongly believe that my education will allow me to do so. Thank you, all prayers are appreciated."

Hannah Nicholls
Cedarville University

"All of the lessons I am learning are forming and shaping me not only as a nursing student, but first and foremost as a young adult believer. I pray that this boldness and passion in my heart for God and His Word will not fade out, but will only continue to grow."

Dylan Does

"Thank you so much for investing in my continuing ed. I believe God will use this for my personal growth, Kingdom growth and most importantly, His glory. 
My sincerest thanks."